OpenVMS Information

NOTE: The HP web site, where much of the OpenVMS information is located, is being reorganized in the Spring/Summer of 2015 due to the spin-off of HP Enterprise. The links will be updated after the web site has stabilized. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Discussion Forums

HP OpenVMS Support Forums

comp.os.vms (Google Groups)
DECUServe on-line conferencing

OpenVMS Systems Documentation

HP OpenVMS Systems
HP Documentation Library
OpenVMS Software Product Descriptions (SPDs)

DECUServe Journal (1993-1997)
OpenVMS FAQ (2006 @ Encompasserve)
OpenVMS Patch Information (through October 2010)

System codenames, release dates, and other info (mostly Alpha, some VAX)

VAX Systems

VAX Wikipedia
VAX (All Experts Encyclopedia)
VAX processor hardware documentation summary (NetBSD) (includes storage, interfaces, etc.)
VMS CPU model summary (1998)

VAX processor CPU models | more... (3100 family)
Small VAX CPU/system information (MicroVAX - VAX 47xx)

MicroVAX 3100 (models 88, 98) Systems and Options Catalog
MicroVAX 3100 (models 40,85,96; 88,98) SOC
VAX server Golden Eggs

Island Computers Cybrary

VAX systems relative performance

Alpha Systems

VMS CPU model summary (1998)

Alpha server Golden Eggs


Itanium Systems


OpenVMS Systems Licensing

HP OpenVMS Licensing page
HP Software License Manager

VAX LURT summary (VMS V7.3)
Alpha LURT summary (VMS V7.3)

VAX LURT table (VMS V5.1) (N.B. some unit changes)
VAX LURT table (VMS V5.3-1)
VAX LURT table (VMS V5.4)
VAX LURT table (VMS V5.5)
VAX LURT table (VMS V7.2-1)


VAX and Alpha Virtualization Consultants

Virtual VAX and Alpha LLC

VAX and Alpha Emulators

vtVAX/vtAlpha (Vere Technologies)
vtAlpha (AVTware)

AlphaVM (free) (EmuVM) comp.os.vms discussion
ES40 (free) (
SIMH (VAX, PDP-x, many others)
TS10 (VAX)
FreeAXP (Migration Specialties)
CHARON VAX | Alpha | PersonalAlpha

Emulation Information

OpenVMS Hardware Emulation Intro (HoffmanLabs)


OpenVMS Consultants/Services

INSOM Technology & Consulting
Virtual VAX and Alpha LLC

Salem Automation
Stanley Quayle
Weaver Consulting Services, Inc. (Canada)
CCSS (SC) | VMSblog
Comware (CA - ATE and legacy systems)